Kamis, 20 September 2012

These steps make the Blog

1. To start a blog on blogspot register please visit the website address www.blogger.com, after that search button Sign up (register) in the upper right corner, as shown below
 2. After the sign up button is clicked, the application will appear later registration gooogle account creation, as shown below. Please complete the application. The image below is an example of filling.Explanation charging: in the Name, Fill in your first name and your last name.On the Choose your username, fill with your desire, this username will serve as your login email access to your blogspot dashboard and it could be to log into Gmail. (If the username is not available, tambahka numbers or letters in tow),In the Create a Password, fill in your password (using an easy to remember), the Confirm your password please use the same password with the password to create a column on possword earlier.At birth day fill your birth date. On the Phone, fill with your mobile number, to Curent your email, just vacated. In the type the two pieces of text, text typed two existing code on it. Furthermore, tick the little box in the bottom two, and the last click on the Next button ste 
3. After you click on the next button, the command will display the account verification, please enter your mobile number. Then click tombool Send Verifikation Code. Later you will get a sms from google that contains an activation code. 
4. SMS verification code from google to your mobile phone
 5. Enter the verification code sms over the column appears, as shown below. then click the Verify button 
6. If the previous step is successful, you will see the page as shown below. To add a photo please click the add profile pictures, if you want to go straight to the next step please click the Next Step button. 
7. The next page will appear as shown below. This is a sign that you already have a google account email address that can be used to log into Gmail.com and blogger.com, then please click the Back button to blogger. 
8. If you see a page like the picture below ignore it, though more rapid in a blog. Please click the continue button to blogger. 
9. After that you will go to the main page blogger Dashboard. In this dashboard, you can create a blog, write a post, set the theme and others. To create a blog first click the New Blog
10. Once the button is clicked a new blog, blog creation window will appear. On the title of the content of your blog's title, at the address contents dengana blog address you want. In the template, select a template you want. Then click the button for blogs 
11. Following the steps above, your blog has been successfully created. To write a post please click the Pencil button, while viewing a blog entry is empty (no article) please click the view button blog.

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